Normal Childbirth

Análisis antropológico del cuerpo en los relatos de parto normal de mujeres y profesionales de Barcelona

Anthropology / Medical Anthropology / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Anthropology of the Body / Feminism / Midwifery / Medicine / History of Medicine and the Body / Birth / Childbirth Practices / Medicalization of Childbirth / Motherhood / Normal Childbirth / Midwifery / Medicine / History of Medicine and the Body / Birth / Childbirth Practices / Medicalization of Childbirth / Motherhood / Normal Childbirth

Conceptualización del cuerpo, la persona y la maternidad en el parto natural: el caso del centro de salud Marenostrum de Barcelona

Anthropology / Medical Anthropology / Ethnography / Anthropology of the Body / Ideologies of Motherhood / Anthropology of Health and Illness / Childbirth Practices / Medicalization of Childbirth / Childbirth / Natural Childbirth / Motherhood Studies / Normal Childbirth / Anthropology of Health and Illness / Childbirth Practices / Medicalization of Childbirth / Childbirth / Natural Childbirth / Motherhood Studies / Normal Childbirth
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